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Introducing Analytics

Justin Hunter

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2 min read

Introducing Analytics

Introducing Pinata Analytics: revolutionizing IPFS with detailed engagement and bandwidth insights.

We communicate with our customers daily, receiving feedback and feature requests that range from the obvious to the unexpected. One piece of feedback that was obvious, but difficult to pull off technically, was usage analytics. Today, we’ve surmounted that technical challenge and are excited to announce Pinata Analytics!

Our mission is to empower developers in effortlessly building and scaling businesses with IPFS. With Pinata Analytics, we’re taking a significant step forward in providing comprehensive insights into the content that you upload and retrieve from Pinata. Prior to this release, extracting detailed usage and engagement data was challenging, leaving developers to navigate their IPFS journeys without clear visibility. Now, armed with detailed analytics on requests and bandwidth, developers can make informed decisions to drive their businesses forward.

Enhanced Insights

In the new Pinata Analytics tab, you’ll discover:

  1. Streamlined Usage Metrics: We've migrated usage metrics from the billing page to the Analytics tab for improved accessibility and clarity.
  2. Detailed Request Engagement and Bandwidth Analysis: Gain comprehensive insights into request traffic and bandwidth data, categorized by day, country, file, and device. This includes analysis of top operating systems, browsers, and referrers to understand user interactions better.
  3. Versatile Viewing Periods: Both requests and bandwidth analytics tabs offer viewing periods based on the current billing cycle, the previous cycle, as well as insights from the past 30 and 90 days.
Screenshot of a Traffic by day Dashboard by countries
Screenshot of Bandwidth by day Dashboard by countries

The Data Details

Pinata Analytics is a feature available on any paid plan. If you’re currently on the Free plan, consider upgrading to Picnic or Fiesta to unlock these powerful insights. We can’t wait for you to experience Pinata Analytics firsthand!

Happy Pinning!

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