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Announcing Bulk File Actions

Justin Hunter

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2 min read

Announcing Bulk File Actions

Pinata announces Bulk File Actions, a user-friendly feature for efficient file management without the need for scripts.

While Pinata has always been very close with developers, not everyone is a developer, and even if you are a developer, you don’t always want to write a script to take some action within Pinata. This is where an intuitive user interface comes into play. However, until now, the file page in the Pinata web app has been limited to single-file actions. If you wanted to take action on multiple files at once, you were out of luck.

We’re excited to announce those changes today!

Bulk Actions

Starting today, when you hover over the files page, you’ll see checkboxes to select any number of files on the page you are viewing. Once selected, you can take bulk actions on those files without having to go through the tedious and manual task of executing the action on each file.

bulk uploading

Accidentally pinned a couple of hundred files while testing? It happens to the best of us (and the worst of us like me when I code an endless loop). Previously, you’d have to either write your own script to unpin those files in bulk or you’d have to go into the web app and unpin each file one by one.

Not anymore! You can now take bulk actions on up to 100 files at a time. Set the file count filter at the bottom-right of your files page, select all files, and take action. Simple as that.

We didn’t stop at unpinning, though. You can now also bulk-select files and download them to your computer. When you select the files and click the download button, the files will automatically be downloaded into the Downloads folder on your computer or whatever folder you have set as your browser’s default. Each file will be downloaded using the file name that was provided at upload.

bulk downloading

We’re excited to introduce these bulk actions, and they represent only a small slice of the big features and quality-of-life improvements we have in store for 2024. Happy New Year! 🎉

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