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Pinata’s NFT.NYC 2022 Adventures


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NFTNYC 2022 - Pinata's adventures in New York meeting our customers, learning about innovative projects and connecting with amazing web3 people.

If last year‘s NFTNYC conference shook up the industry, this year’s event blew the entire roof off. NFTNYC 2022 was an absolute movie, featuring over 20,000 attendees, 1500 speakers and a positive energy that everyone could feel—a real excitement for what’s happening for the future of web3. We brought 11 members of our growing team to connect with creators and share the Pinata love. Plus, an 8 foot Pinnie. Naturally.

We’re still on a high from all the people we met, and the interactions we had with some of the projects that are pushing the NFT space forward – many of which are using the Pinata platform

Pinata Customers IRL

Most of our partnerships have projects that live online (and in the metaverse, obviously), but it’s always a beautiful thing to meet our creators in real life. Here’s a quick look at our time at some of the Pinata-powered projects we had a chance to connect with at the conference.


Mintplex is for the builders. Mintplex’s platform lets creators launch and scale NFT communities without code. Non-technical creators can create gas efficient and purpose built contracts (ERC-721A or ERC-1155) in just five minutes, compatible with any marketplace. The features go on and on, with one-click deployments, embedded minting options that work with any site builder just scratching the surface—and it’s all completely free.

Timothy and his team have built an incredible platform that will help non-technical creators bring their projects to life. As an official partner we’re excited to support them on their journey and help them build, scale and continue changing the game.


As the world’s leading dapp (decentralized app) store, DappRadar lets creators discover, track and trade dapps, NFTs, tokens and Defi, representing a key marketplace presence in support of the decentralized web. We’re talking serious trading insights like trading volume, trending collections, and multichain data and coverage—all the tools and insights you need to manage your digital assets. Plus, you can swap, buy and sell directly from your portfolio. Game changer.

It’s hard to overstate how much DappRadar is doing for the future of web3. As host to 11,000+ dapps from 40+ protocols, and a million monthly users, they’re bringing dapp exploration and portfolio management to a global audience. It’s a great journey to be a part of.


Doodles are everywhere, and they aren’t slowing down anytime soon. As the #13 best-selling NFT project ever and with crazy brand momentum, most recently bringing on Pharrell as its chief brand officer, Doodles is turning into a phenomenon. The project is a much-needed breath of fresh air—it’s fun, light and has a whole range of experiences and activations paid for by the Doodles Community Treasury.

The Doodles NFT NYC activation was absolutely insane. It was great catching up with the team IRL as we’ve been working with them behind the scenes for years. And with Doodles 2 around the corner, we’re excited to continue helping them push the NFT industry forward.

Pinata takes NYC

You better believe we did more than just sit at the booth all day. As a fully remote team, we took full advantage of the chance to make moves around the city, with folks we normally only see through computer screens. Here’s a quick look at the shenanigans we got into:

An edible (and delicious) Pinnie treat created by our friends and Bibble & Sip.
Catching a Mets game at Citi Field. Pinnie was not able to get in.
Best hoodies in the game.
We think a bit of NYC grunge looks good on Pinnie.

NFTNYC 2022 was a blast. Big shout out to Opensea, Draftkings, Vault by CNN, AmericanaNFT, Giglabs and all the Pinata customers we had a chance to meet with who are doing amazing things in this space. We can’t wait to keep watching the growth. See you next year - and make sure you stay connected to see where we’re off to next.

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